What We Do
Consulting Services
Why We Do It
Beverage wholesalers are still structured & operating the same way they have been for years even though the market is changing rapidly, including their retailers, consumers, suppliers, and employees.
What We Do
Verno Consulting provides industry-specific best practices and a proven project management methodology to help wholesalers accomplish their specific goals.
How We Do It
Verno designs customized solutions to better align their client’s strategy, structure & processes to ensure they stay ahead of the rapidly changing industry.
Service Policy
Where overall strategy and resource utilization intersect.
Most wholesalers overservice a large portion of their account base. They overservice these accounts at the expense of their best customers, not receiving the correct amount or quality of service justified by their contribution to sales and profit. Service policy is the tool wholesalers use to align their sales, delivery, and merchandising resources to win in the market, achieve company cost and profit goals, and ensure resources are being used effectively.
Service Policy consulting services include:
- Developing service policies for each market segment that optimize sales, delivery, and merchandising resources through management of frequency
- Testing various service policy options, being able to see which accounts will be impacted, and weighing the benefits
- Modeling service policy implications to determine the manpower and cost requirements of various service policy options
- Creating policies to govern how exceptions to the service policy will be handled
- Implementing the service policy
- Communicating plans for retail customers, wholesaler’s employees, and key suppliers
- Developing measurements to help manage adherence to the service policy and overall benefits realization