What We Do
Consulting Services
Why We Do It
Beverage wholesalers are still structured & operating the same way they have been for years even though the market is changing rapidly, including their retailers, consumers, suppliers, and employees.
What We Do
Verno Consulting provides industry-specific best practices and a proven project management methodology to help wholesalers accomplish their specific goals.
How We Do It
Verno designs customized solutions to better align their client’s strategy, structure & processes to ensure they stay ahead of the rapidly changing industry.
Organization Structure Design
The structure of your company impacts the success of your company.
The wholesaler’s organizational structure – how wholesalers utilize their managers and supervisors – directly impacts sales and profit results. Verno’s organization structure consulting services are designed to align the structure with the wholesaler’s overall business and sales strategies. Organization optimization is all about positioning the right person in the right job with the right skills and costs and then holding them accountable. Having the proper spans of control and support personnel are keys to not being overly top-heavy and having your best managers spend their time managing.
Organization Structure Development consulting services include:
- Organizational structure design with the right spans of control
- Defining the responsibilities and skill set requirements of each supervisory and management position
- Developing supervisor and management scorecards to measure job performance and establish necessary accountability
- Executive, manager, and supervisor compensation design
- Succession planning for mission-critical positions
- Plans to develop and integrate family members