What We Do

Consulting Services


Why We Do It

Beverage wholesalers are still structured & operating the same way they have been for years even though the market is changing rapidly, including their retailers, consumers, suppliers, and employees.


What We Do

Verno Consulting provides industry-specific best practices and a proven project management methodology to help wholesalers accomplish their specific goals. 


How We Do It

Verno designs customized solutions to better align their client’s strategy, structure & processes to ensure they stay ahead of the rapidly changing industry.

Operations Labor Management

The wholesaler’s largest cost is also its largest opportunity.

Operations management has become a more critical and complex aspect of the wholesaler. Today’s wholesaler recognizes that operations is the largest cost center and provides the largest opportunity for cost improvement and containment.  Advances in technology mean more investment in operations and more opportunities for improved operations… if the technology is utilized correctly.

Operations Labor Management consulting services include:

  • Operations organization structure development to improve overall supervision and accountability
  • Warehouse workflow improvement
  • Processes and procedures to improve productivity through proper work planning and measurement
  • Employee retention strategies
  • Assisting operations in fully utilizing technology solutions and achieving improved benefits realization for the wholesaler’s technology investment
  • Order accuracy improvement programs and processes
  • Delivery routing process management and productivity improvement programs
  • Inventory control process improvement and loss prevention programs
  • Improving communication and interdepartmental cooperation between sales and operations
  • Compensation system design for order builders, managers, and supervisors